Success Story
Cynthia Robertson
Partner, Jenner & Block, Washington, DC
Pro bono attorney, The Human Trafficking Legal Center
Partner, Jenner & Block, Washington, DC
Pro bono attorney, The Human Trafficking Legal Center
I’m in awe of my clients and their strength and how they can overcome so much to come forward and proceed through the whole process, which can be really laborious.
One of the most satisfying things is to see them regain not only respect and dignity within themselves, but trust in others. That healing process is wonderful to behold. It’s what brings me back time and time again to represent more trafficking survivors. The biggest reward of all is seeing survivors heal through the process of being represented by a lawyer who respects them, who treats them with the dignity that they deserve.
Justice comes in many different forms, but I think ultimately justice is when a survivor is restored and feels like they can begin again as a productive and healthy member of our society.
HT Legal provides a unified approach to helping a person in whatever ways they need—legal services, of course, ensuring that they can stay in the United States legally and work if that’s what they choose, but also essential social services. HT Legal is the hub of a wheel with many spokes, each of which is a resource for survivors, connecting them with legal counselors, mental health counselors, social services groups.
Through communities like HT Legal they are able to get the help they need and feel empowered by those who have gone through this. They hear their stories, and they understand, I’m not alone in this. I can come forward, in part so that no one else goes through this again. That is a motivating driver for so many victims: to protect others.

“Justice comes in many different forms, but I think ultimately justice is when a survivor is restored and feels like they can begin again as a productive and healthy member of our society.”
My clients provide me with hope, to see their recovery and strength in not just surviving but thriving as they are provided the opportunity to become a productive member of society. It’s transformative, both for them and for us. I develop close relationships with my clients, and we become like family. Their success is my success. It’s uplifting to change these people’s lives. What could be better?