“Survivors are going from living in fear to a position of understanding that they have agency over their own lives and that they’re entitled to it. That’s incredible, to share with them that they have these rights that they didn’t even know they had and that will protect them.”

Cynthia Robertson | Partner, Jenner & Block, Washington DC | Pro bono attorney, The Human Trafficking Legal Center

Lawyers & Advocates

Pro bono advocates provide the skill, commitment, and diligence for trafficking survivors to succeed in their pursuit of justice.

Donate your legal services today to support a trafficking survivor fighting for justice.

Technical Assistance

The Human Trafficking Legal Center provides pro bono attorneys step-by-step technical assistance through the legal process of representing human trafficking survivors. If you are interested in receiving technical assistance from the organization, please contact us at techsupport@htlegalcenter.org.

Request a Training

We offer training on innovative legal remedies for survivors of forced labor and sex trafficking. We have trained thousands of pro bono attorneys, community-based NGO partners, healthcare providers, victim advocates, law students, prosecutors, judges, and members of the general public. Please fill out this form and a member of our staff will contact you to discuss your training request.


Pro bono legal representation has resulted in thousands of hours of in-kind services. Without these pro bono services, trafficking survivors would be unable to afford effective legal representation.


Request access to our case database

HT Legal has created the only comprehensive database on federal civil trafficking cases filed in U.S. federal courts. Constantly updated with materials from the federal court docketing system, PACER, the database is a resource tool for plaintiff’s counsel and NGO attorneys to find sample complaints, sample briefs, key orders, and appellate decisions. Access to the database is password-protected and provided to plaintiff’s counsel and NGO attorneys handling trafficking cases for victims. To request access, please fill out this form.